IPS flooring

Commonly called "Oxide flooring" or "Cement oxide floor", IPS stands for Indian Patent Stone.
Ubiquitous in most rural houses in India, this technique is also found in the city, often under a layer of vitrified tiles or enamel paint.
IPS has a good resistant to wear and tear. It can be used as a flooring material as well as a wall finish, which makes it a very interesting technique to create seamless surfaces from floor to ceiling. Often finished with a coat of Wax, a well made IPS floor gets an unparalleled subtle shin.

One might wonder why this technique, using cement as a core ingredient, figures among the natural finishes that we work with. It is a conscious choice to promote an artisanal and rooted finish which is ultimately a very good alternative to other industrial, energy intensive flooring option available in the market.

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